
Scan your receipts to track your expenses


As part of an entrepreneurship course at KTH, Stockholm, our team developed an innovative expense-tracking app using Flutter. The app leveraged Google’s image-to-text translation library to extract purchase details from receipts, presenting spending trends through engaging visual charts. It was our creative pitch to simplify daily expense management.

App Demonstration



Recapt offers an advanced AI-powered solution to streamline receipt tracking and expense management. Simply scan your receipt with the app, and your expense tracker updates instantly—making detailed expense management effortless and intuitive.

Meet the Team

Sumit Patidar, Utkarsh Kunwar, Mostafa Abdelrahman, Hamid Dimyati, Badai Kesuma, Dr. Henrik Blomgren (Course Instructor), Matej Rešetár (Mentor), Abhishek Mishra (Advisor)


[1] Flutter - build apps for any screen. Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2024).

[2] Reso Coder tutorial on Flutter TDD Clean Architecture. Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2024).